Friday, September 7, 2012

Stop & prevent cancer - a highly possible cure!

And now for something completely different - Ginger.

There is much information in Islam concerning the benefits of herbs . One herb that stands out head and shoulders about the rest is definately ginger.

The root of much healing, (pardon the pun) ginger is not just used for adding flavour and spice to your food or zing to your tea. There are many articles written on ginger so I won't repeat those; here's a quick list of ginger's many benefits:

Taken internally (as a tissane, in tablet form or in tonic form)
  • It's a health tomic
  • It cleans the blood
  • Treats ovarian cancer:  
    • A study conducted at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center has found that injesting ginger powder induces cell death in ALL ovarian cancer cells to which it was applied.
  • Prevents Colon Cancer
    • A study at the University of Minnesota has found that ginger may slow the growth of colorectal cancer cells. (additional studies are taking place around the world)
  • Prevents kidney damage, particularly in diabetic patients (okay the studies so far have been in rats but there's certainly no harm trying, is there!) This form of kidney damage is known as Diabetic Nephropathy
  • Treats Prostate Cancer
    • Ginger may cure prostate cancer completely as its been proved to kill certain enzymes without which prostate cancer cells die within hours
  • Stopping cancer: - a component of ginger has now been proven to SLOW the spread of and even STOP cancer cells dead in their tracks. It's so effective that some oncologists now give patients ginger extracts along with their cocktail of medications, to assist with recovery from chemotherapy or radiation treatment
  • Soothes arthritis & chronic aches and pains. - because its an anti-inflamatory it calms the inflamation caused in the joints, if taken daily
  • Reduces brain inflamation  (say what?!) Yep! Neuropaths have started using it to reduce inflamation in the brain. It's so effective that it has been said to be eqiivalent if not better than IBUPROFEN, without the side-effects to kidneys, liver and intestines
  • Boosts the immune system.
  • Nuclear Fall-out First aid - taken daily, ginger clears up radiation. With nuclear energy being quite possibly a solution to the world's energy crises, it's great to know theres a litte root that will do what many meds simply cannot!
  • Eases morning sickness - I practically lived on jamaican ginger extract and ginger cookies in my 2nd month of pregnancy, so I can certainly attest to this one!. apparently several studies have now proven what our grandmothers have said for ages!
  • Eases motion sickness - take it when heading to a boat, plane, or on a long car journey. Call me in the morning . *Just kidding, but DO let me know if it worked for you.
  • Relieves Heartburn - this one, was a surprise. I'd have thought it was too acidic. Guess I was wrong!
  • Prevents colds and flu's
  • Treats stomach flu or "gastro"
  • Treats food poisioning (well okay, it cleans radiation so this makes sense!)
  • Relieves Migraines (gotta try this one!) - apparently the relief is due to its ability to inhibit prostaglandins from causing pain and inflammation in the blood vessels. Subhaan'Allah!
  • Relieves menstrual cramps - next time you want to have a cup of chamomile tea, add some ginger!
  • Prevents and treats cholesterol
  • Youth Elixir for the skin  - I just know the sisters will love this one, and why not the brothers, too? Apparently ginger can greatly rejuvenate your skin when applied topically, and HAS A LIGHTENING EFFECT! Now I know what's in those wonderful creams from Dubai long with improving cramping, another one of the benefits of ginger is that when applied topically, it can greatly rejuvenate your skin. In order to use the spice to lighten your skin and make it appear more rejuvenated, begin by mixing Epsom salt, lime juice, and chopped ginger together. After microwaving the concoction for a short period of time, gently apply the mix to your skin and let it sit before rinsing it off with warm water. When performed regularly, this can lighten your skin and make it appear more youthful.
Just for fun - check out this blog and see how Mina Joshi makes pickled ginger! Visit her blog only when you have time - you are bound to get lost in the very many yummy treats she has on there!

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