Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The big SNEEZE

In the beginning, there was man... erm ... no no dearies.. in the beginning there was only Allah.

Any good scientist will tell you that before the world began there wasn't much out there besides cosmic dust and giant balls of gass and fire. They'll also tell you that space (the final frontier - lol) is pretty much a vaccuum, hence whatever fire exists doesn't have much SMOKE... but WHO made the dust, the gasses, etc? erm...

Okay, let's re-write that, shall we - ..

IN THE beginning, there was Allah (G*d). Allah created the angels, (from light). They have no free will, they are made to do Allah's bidding (G*d's will) and hence they can't refuse. Everybody knows that. They have no gender, they don't marry, don't reproduce, and despite what Hollywood would like you to believe they don't fall in love with women and choose to fall out of heaven, burn their wings and get married. In doubt? Read the first sentence again - "THEY HAVE NO FREE WILL". It's in the quran, and it's in the bible, if you're christian.

So anyway, once Allah had created the angels, he created the Jinn, an entire populus made out of smokeless fire. This may be news to any reader who is not muslim, but this is what we believe, and you will soon see how it makes sense. Go back and read the paragraph above in the meantime...

The Jinn are shape-shifting beings just as a flame can waver, dip and grow into a raging fire. Fire is hot, so it makes sense that they were given free will by Allah the Almighty. They can choose, like humans, to obey, and they can fall from G*d's grace.. unlike angels..

So anyway, something was missing. Allah in his wisdom (and Christians will jump in here and say "in order to have a friend" - you may have a grain of truth there, check out a copy of the Quran) created man. Allah wanted to show his mercy, and his kindness to this special being who would have the capacity of becoming his "friend". So, he took some dust and created, first, the head, so that Adam (as) could see the miracle of his creation. Then, when HE was done, He breathed life into this being. Literally. In my old days as a christian I'd hear the hymn "breathe on me breath of God" and wonder how could he do that? Well, Islam answered it for me - Allah literally breathed life into this being. Dust being dust, Adam (as) SNEEZED!

And from that came all of mankind as it now is.. eventually.. 

And Adam spoke his first word! He said "PRAISE G*D!!" ... well,.... actually he went one further, standing in front of the Almighty Creator one would not use a word that could be made plural - he said:

I mean, seriously, what would YOU have said? "PRAISE BE TO THE CREATOR!" is rather apt!!

For those muslim brethren who want the reference, here it is:

RasoolAllah (saw) said: When Allah created Adam (as) and blew the soul of Adam (as) into his body, Adam sneezed and said, “Alhamdulillah.”   

Now if this gets you excited and wanting to know more.. get yourself a copy of the Quran. It's all there. Maybe you've gone back to your bible to check out my "angels can't fall" theory. I did too... ALHAMDOLILAH!

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