Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem
When a film about the life of Jesus (Essa as) was placed on the circuit, it portrayed Jesus (pbuh) as a gentle, kind, loving, saintly man - more even, it portrayed him as the bible portrays him. And even so, there were certain religious groups who took great offense, saying that the Jews were portrayed badly. Never mind the fact that it was all "true" since the movie conformed to what most of the scriptures in the bible say..
No-one was outraged at the Jewish outcry. Mel Gibson took a lot of flack for participating in this film, and still does today. Christians the world over stood up for their "movie" and that was seen as laudable and yet the jews were "understood" in their feelings and in some instances this multibillion dollar movie was stopped.
But along comes a "mystery director" and makes a film based on NO facts, with the pure intent of mocking and denegrating the Prophet (pbuh) of a faith which so many have called a man of integrity and grace. (See a previous post, or read a Quran if in doubt) and suddenly its "wrong" when muslims protect. When they are not heard, some (rightly or wrongly) are so incensed at the lack of action that they take matters in their own hands. I'm not saying that is right, either, but WHAT WILL IT TAKE for people to simply respect one another?
I ask the christians out there to look at their arms - many of them wearing "what would Jesus do" bracelets. Even if you do not believe in the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) would Jesus (Essa as) promote the character assination of ANYONE?
It seems as if muslims just can't seem to obtain any level of respect nowadays - ALL we want to do is pray 5 times a day, go on Hajj and keep our fast and our faith. It seems the rights of everyone are attended to - the rights of gays, the rights of transexuals, the rights of races, the rights of every religion - but when it comes to Islam, suddenly its okay to mock, to contrive such corrupted lies as 9/11 and sell this as an "Islamic attack" - and now, it seems okay for Google to keep this movie on You Tube which denegrades someone who Ghandi himself said is one of the greatest men who ever lived!
I wonder what the ZIONISTS would do if such a movie were made of Moses (peace be upon him). I wonder what the christians would do if such a movie were made of Jesus (peace be upon him). I wonder why its okay for the world to accept this crap about ISLAM.
It's certainly great advertising for You Tube, great advertising for google - what the billions aren't enough, they now need to go forth and promote the denegration of a holy man? It's kinda like the Bully on the playground muscling in on the guy who's sitting quietly saying a prayer, and the rest of the kids looking on and laughing or doing NOTHING.
Shame on you! Shame on the maker, shame on Google for allowing this garbage, shame on those with ANY faith who want theirs respected but won't bat an eyelid when Islam is attacked this way.
Shame on you. Maker of this film, and silent "sheep" who don't even bleat when injustice occurs. Shame on you. If you sleep well now, and you have any faith in you, then you must know that you won't sleep well forever, because there is a judgement day in your bible, in your holy books, and that day will come when all of us least expect it. Not at the hand of a muslim, not by the means of anything man can contrive muslim or otherwise - But as sure as the sun rises God will ask you "what did you do when you saw this injustice towards a man who taught only SUBMIT TO GOD" Because HE WILL ASK - and we will, all of us, be listening to the answer..
SHAME on you.
La Illaha Il Allah, Muhammad u Rasoolulah. There is no God but ONE GOD, and Muhammad is his final messenger. This is a statement of faith. When I die someday, when you die someday, all you will have is your statement of faith. Faith without actions, is DEAD.. How will you answer on that day?
SHAME on you!
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