Monday, March 9, 2015

When the road is hard

Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem

Staying on the straight path is never easy. Unless you live as a hermit you will always have to interact with people, and by that very interaction you will come across people who love you, and people who hate either you or what you represent.

It is especially true of today's world, where being muslim is being made to be synonymous with everything cruel and inhumane.

Remember that people will fear what they do not know, and as long as someone is out there using the name "muslim" for evil purposes, people will believe those people to be representative of our faith. They aren't.

I am a Muslim.  I do not support ISIS. Why? Because organisations such as these go against the very grain of what Islam stands for. But will people believe that Islam is not about hatred and killing? Not as long as we are silent, and not as long as we live anything other than Islam. So in a way, the fact that murderous demons are out there calling themselves muslim; the very fact that media and international politics cashes in on the ideas these lunatics are putting out there about muslims means that I need to be a better muslim. In the home. In the workplace. On the street.

What does this mean?

I need to seek Allah, quietly. I need to fight my own internal desire to lash back at people who insult me because of those lunatics otherwise I am no better than either of them. I need to make jihad within myself so that my speech speaks for the truth of Islam; the compassion, the kindness, the love, the submission to the will of Allah. And I need to ensure in everything I do that my speech resonates with my actions. THIS is what we are being called to do and be - as muslims, our only weapon against the lunatics and the media that throws us all into the same label as those lunatics, is the one thing they seek to destroy - IMAAN.

Through Imaan (Faith), I move mountains.

There are two ways to move a  mountain -  blow it up and risk the lives and the hurt of many, or sift it, patiently, grain by grain. How do I sift it?

I sift it every time I read salaat peacefully and with love for the Creator. I sift it every time I treat someone with kindness. I sift it every time I speak the truth about Islam, (with kindness and love not matching any anger) I sift it every time I help an orphan who will grow up to be an adult. I sift it every time I step out of the shadows as a muslim and treat the world with peace.

Because Actions speak louder than Words.

We can  tell the world we are muslims, we can tell the world that Islam is a religion of peace, we can scream it and rush it and win many arguments OR we can SIMPLY BE MUSLIMS, LIVE PEACE, and DO what we are called to do; serve Allah with peace, respect others and BE KIND.

There is no weapon that can stand against love and kindness and faith. Not even death. THAT is the spirit of Islam.

People are not stupid; and the truth always rises.

We as muslims need to see these lunatics and murders as a call from Allah to be DIFFERENT to them, and to return to the ways of LOVE and PEACE that are Islam. Muslims, awake! Everything is used by Allah for good. He only permits something horrific if the good will outweight the bad; perhaps, just maybe, He has allowed these horrific monsters to exist because he wants US to return to HIM. Before we can prove to the world that Islam is a religion of peace, we need to live it that way for ourselves, our community, and our world. Then, the work is already done.

You can fight wars, you can arm yourself, but nothing (no nothing) will spread as fast as LOVE. Ever.
So... know that ALLAH is ONE Creator of all. Stand for goodness, light, love, and the rest will follow...

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