Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem
In cases of abuse, it is not uncommon for the abused to stay in the situation for prolonged periods of time (sometimes indefinately) for reasons ranging from fear of society to fear of the abuser to fears instilled BY the abuser that the children will not be looked after, etc. etc. It is also true as studies have shown that when the abused or abuser leaves for any period of time (or permanently) there is an adjustment period akin to drug withdrawal. Why? Because the victim has become wrapped in the tentacles of oppression so far that when the pressure is off, they have "phantom pains".. the chemicals are out of balance. This is why psychological abuse is worse than physical. Bruises heal. Emotions and the psyche may never recover..
To help victims regain their balance and sense of self-worth one must seek first to help them understand the chains that bind, then let them decide. AFter all, why would they stay? What binds them? These chains that bind are called Traumatic Bonding.
Traumatic bonding is defined as “strong emotional ties that develop between two persons where one person intermittently harasses, beats, threatens, abuses, or intimidates the other.” (Dutton & Painter, 1981).
As any abused person will know, the abuser seeks to control, undermine and dictate life (pretty much) to the abused. The cycles of abuse followed by kindness create a cycle of altered chemical states and emotional states, a "rollercoaster" if you will, to which the abused may become accustomed and even, chemically, addicted. Victims "need" the drama, eventually, and this simply contributes to more abuse. One of the biggest lies of the Shaytaan, I believe, is that anyone deserves abuse or anyone must stay in an oppressive environment. I will be posting an article documenting several studies on abuse recently undertaken for men who are abused by their partners. In the meantime, ARE YOU TRAUMATICALLY BONDED? Take this self-help test.. (Copyright to Patrcik Carnes, Ph.D.) Answer yes or no to the questions..
Traumatic Bonding Self Test
By Patrick Carnes, Ph.D.
The following are a series of statements which describe traumatic bonding in which a person bonds on the basis of betrayal. The result is what we call a "betrayal bond". Check each "Yes" response as appropriate.
1)Do you obsess about people who have hurt you even through they are long gone?
2)Do you continue to seek contact with people whom you know will cause you further pain?
3)Do you go "overboard" to help people who have been destructive to you?
4)Do you continue to be a "team" member when obviously things are becoming destructive?
5)Do you continue attempts to get people to like you who are clearly using you?
6)Do you trust people again and again who are proven to be unreliable?
7)Are you unable to retreat from unhealthy relationships?
8)Do you try to be understood by those who clearly do not care?
9)Do you choose to stay in conflict with others when it would cost you nothing to walk away?
10)Do you persist in trying to convince people that there is a problem and they are not willing to listen?
11)Are you loyal to people who have betrayed you?
12)Do you attract untrustworthy people?
13)Have you kept damaging secrets about exploitation or abuse?
14)Do you continue contact with an abuser who acknowledges no responsibility?
15)Do you find yourself covering up, defending, or explaining a relationship?
16)When there is a constant pattern of non-performance in a relationship, do you continue to expect them to follow through anyway?
17)Do you have repetitive, destructive fights that are no win for anybody?
18)Do you find that others are horrified by something that has happened to you and you are not?
19)Do you obsess about showing someone that they are wrong about you, your relationship, or their treatment of you?
20)Do you feel stuck because you know what the other is doing is destructive, but you believe you cannot do anything about it?
21)Do you feel loyal to someone even though you harbor secrets that are damaging to others?
22)Do you move closer to someone you know is destructive to you even though you do not trust, like or care for the person?
24)Do you find you cannot detach from someone even though you do not trust, like or care for the person?
25)Do you find yourself missing a relationship, even to the point of nostalgia and longing, that was so awful it almost destroyed you?
26)Are extraordinary demands placed on you to measure up as a way to cover up exploitation?
27)Do you keep secret someone's destructive behavior because of all of the good they have done or the importance of their position or career?
28)Does your relationship have contacts or promises that have been broken which you are asked to overlook?
29)Are you attracted to "dangerous" people?
30)Do you stay in a relationship longer than you should?
If you have answered yes to several of these questions, you may want to schedule an initial assessment to explore further any concerns that were raised.
For more information about Insideout Living, Inc. and therapy options, visit
Traumatic Bonding Self Test
By Patrick Carnes, Ph.D.
Provided by
Insideout Living, Inc.
1618 Orrington Ave., Ste. 202
Evanston, IL 60201
(847) 328-7588
info@insideoutlivinginc.orgMY QUESTIONS to you, having read the above, are this:
1) Do you fear the abuser more than Allah?
2) Do you believe you will be powerless to help your children because of this abuser? IF so, read question 1 again.
3) Do you fear loosing what you have worked for because of this abuser? IF so, read question 1 again.
4) Do you think there is nothing you can do to get out? IF so, read question 1 again.
5) Do you trust your own ability more than you trust ALLAH?
6) Do you keep hoping things will change, because you don't want to face the alternative, the community, the aloneness? IF so, read question 5 again.
7) Do you fear that its too late to start over? If so, read question 5 again.
8) Do you believe no-one will love you if you let go and walk away? If so, read question 5 again.
9) Do you believe the Shaytaan, or do you believe ALLAH is AL RAHMAAN, AL RAHEEM?
10) Do you fear the abuser will destroy your reputation with your kids/your community/your family? If so, read question 9 again.
11) Do you fear that it will take too long/ be too difficult/ to start over, away from the abuser due to your age/their finances/family/community? If so, read question 9 again.
12) Do you believe the abuser is right about you, do you believe you are worthless, incapable, unable to live/thrive/ have dignity without them? IF SO - YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN YOUR KALIMA, If ALLAH does not allow oppression, who are YOU to allow it, even over your OWN self, which is given to you in Amaana?
Please note - I am a women. I am not an abuser. Lots of us aren't. Lots of us are. Chose carefully.
then.. subr.. IN THAT ORDER.