Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem
As we continue to approach "end times", or judgement day, God is speaking to people from all walks of life. There are many, many misconceptions about Islam; fed by the media, by powerplays and world economics games. But in all this, G"d speaks, and He continues to call unto Him those He wishes. Among these, there are pastors, lawyers, doctors, and any other kind. The pre-requisite to being a muslim is this - ALLAH says BE, and it IS.
Sometimes, Allah calls entire families to Islam, and sometimes, the men (not man, MEN) in those families are all pastors. This is the story of one such family - and a "conversion" (we call it reversion) one cloudy day in Texas.
Essentially, the father and son began doing business with a man from Cairo. Allah can use anyone to plant a seed, from near, or far.
His father was a pastor, his wife and family, "charismatic" christians, "slain in the spirit", "baptised and living in faith". Maybe that's why Allah called them ALL to Islam - to draw them near to HIM, insh'Allah. May Allah continue to bless their work, keep them on the straight path of Truth and grant them Jannat when their time comes insh'Allah. It is in english, despite the subtitles. It's a long video, but VERY WELL WORTH WATCHING!! If you've ever wondered what Islam is really about, our your imaan needs a little lift, watch this.
wow this was wonderful, I sat glued to the screen all the way through. Thankyou for sharing this!
ReplyDeleteYes, I felt the same when I heard it. We say "Subhaan'Allah" (God is great)..