Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem

Like clouds above, a billion drops of water,
drawn from the belly of the earth
toiling beneath the heat of the sun.
Sorrow, clouds on the soul,
a well that fills from the heart
drawn by the heat of trials,
a million moments of sadness,
drawn too by times of hopes too fragile to survive,
under a thousand suns of oposition;
hopes illusionary as a million moons
casting their shadow upon the lakes of dreams.
Clouds above, the driving rain,
Clouds within, the storm unnoticed brews,
that trial of fire bursts forth through a damn
that no longer can contain their driving force.
Clouds above, the rainstorm comes,
washing cleansing, settling deep.
Clouds within, the storm that grows,
that fights, and eventually - turns within
Can you die of a broken heart?
However you may see sorrow, wether as an expression of sadness, continued problems, or a response of grief, or a situational reaction, sorrow is instrumental in setting off the natural stress response in the body. In other words, the body's autonomic nervous system becomes extra alert and this causes the release of steroid hormones that prepare the body for action. (fight or flight). Sometimes, there is the "last straw" and sometimes it is a continuous wearing down of the individual. What sets in, then, as a result of this stress?
- Fatigue,
- Listlessness
- Lack of energy
- An increase in pulse and blood pressure
- Increased nervous activity
- Weakening of the eyes
"What is “stress cardiomyopathy?”
Stress cardiomyopathy, also referred to as the “broken heart syndrome,” is a condition in which intense emotional or physical stress can cause rapid and severe heart muscle weakness (cardiomyopathy). This condition can occur following a variety of emotional stressors such as grief (e.g. death of a loved one), fear, extreme anger, and surprise. It can also occur following numerous physical stressors to the body such as stroke, seizure, difficulty breathing (such as a flare of asthma or emphysema), or significant bleeding. " (reference: Hopkins Medicine, online)
The quran and sorrow:
Studies are showing what the Quran has said from the beginning - that sorrow truly does impact the body in many ways:
When one is upright, and seeks Allah's pleasure Allah does not allow suffering to continue indefinately. Even in the case of Jacoob (Jacob, as) - for Allah gave healing, eventually setting Jacoob free from sorrow..hence:
“So, when the caravan set forth, their father ( Jacob ) said, ‘surely I perceive Yousof’s scent, unless you think me doting’. They said; ‘By Allah, you are certainly in your ancient error.’ But when the bearer of good tidings came to him, and laid it (Yousof's shirt) on his face, forthwith he saw once again. He said; ‘Did I not tell you I know from Allah that you know not?’ (12: 94-96)
Take heart, for Allah does not allow sorrow to extend forever. He either takes the cause away or removes you from what is causing IT. For this reason the quran tells us that Allah does not "give a soul more than it can bear". It is important to note that everyone has a choice in their circumstances, to continue in them or change them with Allah's help. Where oppression makes it impossible for someone to change the circumstances, Allah always steps in. In his divine time, but always. Sometimes, we experience sorrow or grief as a result of our own choices, sometimes, sorrow or grief comes as a result of the choices of others, and sometimes it comes as a result of a divine decree regarding death of a loved one. We cannot simply state "Allah will set things right" without taking responsibility for the situations we ourselves have caused by not sticking to what Allah has prescribed. We cannot simply allow ourselves to not abide by Allah's word and then hide behind "allah will fix this". It is important to fear Allah first and foremost, and do what HE has decreed, follow the steps HE has given us as a remedy to our sorrow, if it is situational, and where we lack courage, we make duah, and ask Allah to give us the strength to do what is right.
And Allah (Swt) has said ; " And whoever puts his trust
in Allah, then He will suffice him " [ Qur'an , Surah at-talaq ]
As humans, then, we experience sorrow and grief for various reasons. Yet the lesson lies not in what we experience but what we DO about it.
Firstly, we must ask Allah for guidance - istikhaara is one way, His word (Quran) is another, the Sunat of his Nabi (saw) a third, and his chosen leaders in Deen yet another.
Secondly, we must act in accordance with his Allah's decree, we must fear man or woman but do that which Allah has decreed and not allow oppression or become opressors out of fear
Lastly, we must understand that having done ALL which he decrees, THEN we stand in faith, we allow our tawaqul in Allah (our faith and dependence) to make the decision.
Ibn `Ata’illah states, “If you make intense supplication and the timing of the answer is delayed, do not despair of it. His reply to you is guaranteed; but in the way He chooses, not the way you choose, and at the moment He desires, not the moment you desire.” [Ibn `Ata’illah, Hikam]
My tiny amount of experience in life has shown me that truly Allah does not permit sorrow and suffering to continue. We change ourselves, we change IT, or ALLAH steps in and does it for us. Sometimes, the latter is the hardest choice, for "doing nothing" is a choice in itself. And when "nothing" is opted for, Allah truly steps in, and usually his stepping in is radical. Miracles happen, and I've seen them. In my past life I lived a life in which I could not worship with all my heart for an opressor "reigned" over my situation. ALLAH freed me and for that I give him glory and thanks. Yet, even then, I had to take a step, I had to tie my camel, so to speak, I have to DO in order that Allah may DO MORE. I believe Apathy is not rewarded with a divine move - the least we can do is make duah. But when we can ACT - we should. The "rules" so to speak, are simple: Firstly, take no idols, and do what Allah instructs. If he said it, that does it. Let no man or woman affect that move. Secondly, ask Allah what you should do. Thirdly, following HIS instruction and the guidance of his word and his wise saints, ACT. Thirdly, TRUST.
The Messenger of Allah (saw) said " Be Mindful of Allah (Swt) & you will find Him in front of you, Recognize and acknowledge Allah (swt) in times of ease and prosperity , and he will remember you in times of adversity. And know what has passed you by (what you have not attained ) was not going to befall you , and what has befallen you was not going to pass you by. And know that victory comes with patience , relief with affliction , and hardship with ease. [Tirmidhi]
For me, the hardest part, sometimes, is to just TRUST. Tawaqul is the equivalent of the christian principle "Be still and know that HE is God." or "Having done all, STAND". Why is it the hardest part? Because as humans, we have needs, and as humans, we are also sometimes afraid of taking certain steps; because those steps may hurt, or because those steps require courage we think we don't have, or because quite simply,we are afraid. At times like this we must ask "are we afraid of flesh and blood?" if this is so, we must push forward, as long as we are holding on to what ALLAH says DO.
So then, the cure for sorrow, is this:
4) ASK OF THOSE WITH WISDOM -There are pious and wise individuals whom Allah has blessed with Kashf (divine guidance) and you will recognise it for if it is of ALlah it does not place anyone except ALLAH upon the Divine throne of ALlah.
5)DO what has been given you to do based on (4)
6) TRUST ALLAH and lean upon HIS WORD
7) LET GO and keep up with duah
All along the above, be wary of whom you associate with, whom you draw guidance from, for verily, Allah is that firm hand-hold which will not let you down. Allah seeks not apathy - he expects you to take a step in faith, to be fair, to seek to know what HE would want you to do. And then, when you have taken ONE step, HE will run to you, insh'Allah.
What then, is Sorrow -
What is that cloud that fills the soul? For a believer, it is a moment of suspended animation during which ALLAH is planning HIS miracle, Targetting the oppressor, or removing obstacles. For those who go againt what he dictates, that cloud is his own personal torment, for Allah will not go against ur personal choice to remain in a place of oppression, and we limit HIM by not allowing his relief.
Truly, everything in the Quran points to the fact that Allah may allow some sorrow, awaiting a move from us, awaiting to see if we are faithful to HIM. And when we are, it is simply a question of time until relief comes, OR we are removed from the source of sorrow. Either way, for the faithful, ALLAH ALWAYS comes through.
Take heart, oh you in sorrow. Take heart, for ALLAH is watching, and ALLAH gives to whom he wills, and for those ungrateful who cause sorrow, the gift is removed and it is given to someone different.
ALLAH is, indeed, the beneficent, the merciful, the kind, the reliever, the avenger, the giver, and the one who takes away, and indeed, Allah does not allow for a soul more than it can bear, and indeed ALLAH allows a test. Will we wallow in sorrow, or will we turn to ALLAH - will we take ONE step, and TRUST, or will we hide in the bushes? Is there a bush behind which he cannot find us? Is there anything we can hide from HIM? No. For all the world, all we have, all we are, is HIS. He gives us choice, and then he acts in accordance with the choice, that HIS WORD stand.
Verily, with hardship, there is relief. (Qur'an 94:6)
As written by : “Verily, with hardship, there is relief (94:6)” "Hardships strengthens your heart, atone for your sins, and help to suppress an inclination towards pride and haughtiness. When you are facing trials and obstacles in your life, do not be despair. Call out to Him and pray to Him. Constantly put Him in your remembrance. When you remember Allah, clouds of worry and fear are driven away, and the mountains that make up your problems are blown away. Do not grieve, for you have Allah to depend on.
Anas R.A reported from the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), in what he reported from his Lord, the Mighty and Majestic.
He said, “When the salve comes towards Me a hand-span, I go an arms-length towards him. When he comes towards me an arms-length, I go a fathom towards him. When he comes towards Me walking, I go towards him running” (al-Bukhari).
Anas R.A reported from the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), in what he reported from his Lord, the Mighty and Majestic.
He said, “When the salve comes towards Me a hand-span, I go an arms-length towards him. When he comes towards me an arms-length, I go a fathom towards him. When he comes towards Me walking, I go towards him running” (al-Bukhari).
Masya’Allah, Allah’s love is truly the greatest and purest and could not be compared to anyone’s love.
Our Prophet s.a.w said: "Verily, if Allah loves a people, He makes them go through trials. Whoever is satisfied, for him is contentment, and whoever is angry upon him is wrath." [Tirmidhi]
Therefore do not be in despair: it is impossible for things to remain the same. The days and years rotate, the future is unseen, and everyday Allah has matters to bring forth. You know it not, but it may be that Allah will afterwards bring some new things to pass.
And verily, with hardship there is ease."
And verily, with hardship there is ease."
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